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Registration Confirmation


1 Name*
Please check which meeting slots you are available for
3Please check which meeting slots you are available for
Mon, Nov 11
Tue, Nov 12
Please confirm your attendance for lunch
4Please confirm your attendance for lunch
Please check if you need interpretation assistance for the meetings.
5Please check if you need interpretation assistance for the meetings.
Please check if you need interpretation assistance for the meetings.

Please be kindly informed of the following:

  • Please send your company’s IR materials in both Korean and English no later than Friday, Nov 1, to kisglobalconference24@gmail.com
  • Please be aware that group meetings can be arranged, particularly for domestic investors. The groups will be separated by language.
  • Please note that lunch will only be provided on the days you attend the conference. Due to limited seating, up to two people per company can attend lunch.
  • Your company's preliminary schedule will be available by end-October.
  • For any further questions, please send an inquiry to kisglobalconference24@gmail.com.
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